Key to Optimizing Your Body
Secure Your Spine
Original TMBW Blog Post

"The most important element to your Body Fitness Basics
is creating a secure spine."Christine Eckery, The Mind Body Whisperer
And the key to successfully securing your spine…
Engage your muscles!
…Not just any muscles, but specific muscles, namely…
- First, engage your glutes.
- Second, engage your abs – about 20% will do! Just match the engagement tone of your glutes.
And, NEXT …
Once you engage your glutes and abs,
- Third, align your body weight – head to toe – by adjusting your pelvis.
What does that MEAN????
Did you know that the easiest way to adjust your pelvis?
- Tuck your Tailbone, and then
- Release your Tailbone
- Tuck your Tailbone, and then
- Release your Tailbone
This is a great way to test the extremes so that you can settle in the middle – a lightly engaged neutral that secures your spine.

AKA...Swing, your tailbone ... back and you'd swing a pendulum until you feel a balance and a stability from your head-to-your-toes.
Christine Eckery, The Mind Body Whisperer
Ultimately, you’re adjusting the forward and backward tilt of your pelvis until you can feel head-to-toe grounded stability.
And as you adjust your pelvis forward and back, you’ll be able to center your body weight – in a straight line, that forms a line through
the middle of your ear,
through your core,
your pelvis, and
into the center, or arch, of your foot.
CRITICAL NOTE: Before you lift any weight, perform a squat, or even sit in a chair, make sure you first secure your spine.
To Recap, here’s a checklist:
Engage your glutes,
Engage your abs, and
Adjust the tilt of your pelvis to align your body weight, head-to-toe, and throughout your body.