Original TMBW Blog Post
When I was young, I was incredibly flexible. One of my favorite “tricks” was to have my dad hold onto my waist so that I could flip backwards and place my head in between my feet! Guess what?!? I can’t even come close to being able to do that now!
Back then, I was so flexible that yoga was a bit boring. Silly me. ( : Yet as we age, and perhaps feel our muscles call out, we get wise and realize that flexibility is critical and that yoga is one of the best things that we can do for ourselves.
So, thinking that my years away from yoga couldn’t be that bad, I went to a yoga class at the Wilmington Central YMCA. Guess what!? I was challenged by almost every one of the poses! That is, by each of the poses that had once upon a time been so easy. Oh no!
What made the difference in my flexibility? While not the best of excuses, life had happened and I admittedly didn’t keep my fitness and flexibility front and center. AKA Once upon a time, I had enjoyed optimal muscle mechanics and now, because I let life and stress distract me, my muscles had tightened up, and my flexibility was in a different place now – and because of all of those factors, yoga was more difficult.
Inspired by Reduced Flexibility, I Searched and Found an Advantage to Yoga through Massage
But the good news – Sometimes the oddities of life inspire us and we learn how to reclaim our best!
I so enjoy working with my clients who practice yoga. One client, Sue, tried to start a yoga practice but had to quit because it was too painful to continue. Working together, Sue was able to reclaim her own optimal muscle mechanics and to restart her yoga practice attending 3 yoga sessions per week . (Click here to read the rest of Sue’s testimonial)
Another client, Sandra had a long term yoga practice and after several massage sessions together, had her first pain-free yoga class in years! According to Sandra, “It was a very emotional moment when I realized that I went through the whole class without struggling with ever-present pain. It is indeed strange to realize how much pain I had put up with on a daily basis and had learned to ignore – until it was gone!” (Click here to read the rest of Sandra’s testimonial.)
If You’re Ready to Optimize Your Yoga? Let’s Get Started!
Click Schedule Now below to schedule online or
Call or Text me , Christine Eckery, at
302-593-9262 with your date and time preferences.
You can also find me at TMBW.Massage@gmail.com
I look forward to helping you get Optimized for your best Yoga Zen!
The Mind Body Whisperer
– Dedicated to Helping You Get Optimized for Your Favorite Sport and Pain-Free Living!