Original TMBW Blog Post
With delight, I remember a conversation I had with a gentleman in downtown LA years ago. You see, at the time I was a corporate banker, and I was running late for a meeting. I came bounding towards the elevator in hopes of catching that particular elevator. I was certain that I couldn’t afford to wait for the next elevator or the return of that one!
He smiled and asked me if I was a runner. I told him, “Yes!” though admittedly, I was curious and wanted to know what made him think I was a runner. At the time, I was running, “do or die,” every day – and so he had “caught me”! In fact, at that time, I was working on a goal to run in every state of the United States.
The gentleman told me that he could tell that I was a runner because I had a bounce to my stride.
Hmm. At the time, I was intrigued, but his comment didn’t mean that much to me. Yet, thanks to my studies and practice in orthopedic massage, I have learned more about the importance of that bounce.
“Stride Bounce” is a definitive sign of a healthy hip capsule
If your hip capsule is healthy, the ball atop your leg bone is held in place by your muscles and connective tissue (i.e. the muscle tendons).
If the connective tissue is healthy and happy, so to speak, it has an elastic quality which, when complemented by flexible muscle tissue, allows the ball of your leg bone to “bounce” within your hip capsule.
If your hip capsule is healthy, the ball atop your leg bone is held in place by your muscles and connective tissue (i.e. the muscle tendons). If the connective tissue is healthy and happy, so to speak, it has an elastic quality which, when complemented by flexible muscle tissue, allows the ball of your leg bone to “bounce” within your hip capsule. It’s this bounce that give you the spring in your step and/or runner’s stride. It’s also this “bounce” that reduces fatigue during your run.
Ready to Optimize Your Run? — Let’s Get Started!
Click Schedule Now to schedule online or
Call or Text me , Christine Eckery, at
302-593-9262 with your date and time preferences.
You can also find me at TMBW.Massage@gmail.com
I look forward to working with you and to helping you Optimize Your for your Run!
The Mind Body Whisperer
– Dedicated to Helping You Get Optimized for Your Favorite Sport and Pain-Free Living!