Working with a Licensed Massage Therapist Helps You
Feel Great Again!
As a Licensed Massage Therapist and certified Personal Trainer, The Mind Body Whisperer Massage & Mobility
is dedicated to helping you:
- Find & Unwind Your Existing Pain Patterns
- Reset & Reactivate a Pain-Free Way to Move
- Balance & Integrate New Muscle Patterns
- Help You Get Mobile & Feeling Great Again!
Working with a Licensed
Massage Therapist,
Helps You Get Back to a
Fully Active & Fun Life!
Life Happens and one way or another we get injured or get a kink in the way we move – AND We’ve Got Pain!
And the older we get, the more we want to do whatever it takes to Get Pain Free so that we can Stay Active.
Working as a licensed massage therapist, the goal here at The Mind Body Whisperer Massage & Mobility is to Help You Get to Your Best in Mobility, Movement Flow, and Feeling Great Again!
Helping you Find & Unwind Your
Pain Patterns
Let's be honest - No one wants to experience pain! It makes life miserable and makes doing the things we love difficult if not impossible!
During our orthopedic massage sessions together, we'll help you Find & Unwind the movement patterns that cause you pain and interfere with the life you love.
Helping you Reactivate Pain-Freeing Ways to Move for a Life Worth Living!
Ultimately, we were made to move!! And yet, along the way we experience pain. And when we're in pain, the last thing we want to do is move - AKA we're just trying to protect ourselves from more pain!.
With in session muscle massage, we'll Find & Unwind your pain-causing movement patterns, and with orthopedic massage and mobility protocols, we'll Reactivate your Best in Pain-Freeing Ways to Move!
Orthopedic Massage & Mobility-Focused Personal Training
As a Delaware Licensed Massage Therapist
First & Foremost – I Love What I Do!
And I Love Learning & Further Perfecting the Protocols that Help My Clients Feel Great Again!
DE Licensed Massage Therapist
- The hallmark of my practice is the understanding that the majority of our body pains are based on less-than-ideal moving habits – AKA old habits that were often created as our bodies attempted to keep us going despite a difficult injury or an unexpected life complication.
- The Good News! as a licensed massage therapist, I consistently find success helping clients convert old pain-based habits into new pain-freeing ways to move. And perhaps even better, with The Mind Body Whisperer protocols, my clients are able to evolve those old patterns into new, life time habits that are pain-freeing ways to move that make life so worth living!
- I began studying massage therapy in C in 1992, though initially only practiced as a hobby. I was first certified in DE in 2001 and licensed (DE MT-0002380) in 2007. In 2009, I began my full-time specialization in orthopedic and sports massage.
Licensed Massage Therapist, Myoskeletal Therapist & Myoskeletal Alignment Therapist
- Striving for the best in professionalism and client care inspired me to study with the Freedom From Pain Institute. I am currently certified with them as a Myoskeletal Therapist and a Myoskeletal Alignment Therapist.
➡ Myoskeletal Techniques Upper Body Specialist since 2014
➡ Myoskeletal Techniques Lower Body Specialist since 2014
➡ Myoskeletal Techniques Shoulder, Arm, & Hand since 2018
⇥ Additional studies focused with:
-- Advanced Orthopedic Massage
with James Waslaski
-- Athlete Performance & Fascial
Systems with Anatomy Trains
& Tom Myers
ACE Certified Personal Trainer & RockTape & TRS Specialist
- As a sports massage therapist, I quickly realized that I could best help my clients get "game ready" by adding corrective exercise and mobility protocols to my practice. This became my inspiration to also become a Certified Personal Trainer.
- The primary objective of The Mind Body Whisperer Massage & Mobility is to:
- Help you understand the specifics of your current pain-based movement patterns – i.e. your muscle imbalances and their effect on your joints and pains.
- Help you reset those pain-causing muscle habits to Pain-Freeing Muscle Mechanics.
- Help you create better postures so that you have a lifetime of pain-freedom!
➡ ACE Certified Personal Trainer 2016+
➡ RockTape Certifications:
  -- Basic & Performance Tape 2018 & 2019
  -- RockFloss 2019 & IASTM 2020
  -- Movement Specialist 2020
➡ MWOD Mvt & Mobility Specialist 2019
➡ Brookbush Institute Corrective Exercise and Program Design Trainings since 2019
Fun – Family – Passion for The Work
Always Honoring the Nerd Within ☺
Yes, I was the geeky kid who loved biology in high school. Curiously, I also seem to have had professional ADHD – working previously in corporate lending, software marketing, clinical psychology, and finally, my passion – orthopedic/ sports massage with corrective exercise! And, of course, my favorite – with every momma’s bias – is lovin’ my son!

The Mind Body Whisperer Massage & Fitness
Combines the best in orthopedic/ sports massage with corrective exercise & mobility protocols to Help you Feel Great Again ASAP!