Key to Getting Pain Free
End Achilles Pain
Original TMBW Blog Post

Have you ever been in the middle of a tournament and become worried about your calf and achilles pain?
If you've been there and done that - Stop by!
We have solutions here at The Mind Body WhispererChristine Eckery, The Mind Body Whisperer
Achilles Pain is Rough! – Not to Mention, MISERABLE!
So, how do you know and how do get to that pain point?
Achilles Test 01 – To Test How Your Achilles is Affecting your Foot’s Mobility… 
Point your toes downward
You should be able to point 70-80°
Bring your toes upward toward your knee
You should be able to bring your toes upward ~ 20° to 30°.
My clients with Achilles Pain are very limited in their ability to bring their toes upward toward their knees.
Many can only raise about 5° to 10°
Several can’t raise their toes upward – their toes sit at 0° or neutral
Quite a few have a negative raise – only about minus 5 to minus 10°
Achilles Test 02 – To Test the Stiffness of Your Achilles:
Take two fingers and place them atop your Achilles
Press your fingers into the skin above your Achilles.
Engage your skin and see if you can press your skin up and down along the line of your Achilles.
Your Achilles is in Good Shape if you can press your skin up and down along the line of your Achilles.
Your Achilles is in Trouble if your skin doesn’t or barely moves up and down along the line of your Achilles.
Summary of your Potential Achilles Trouble: If your foot tends to sit pitched/pointed forward AND you can’t raise your toes upward 30° towards your knee, you’re likely experiencing continuous Achilles pain and are at risk of injury.
So, If you’re Ready to End Your Achilles Pain &
Feel Great Again — Let’s Get Started!
Thanks for stopping by! – I look forward to meeting you and to
Helping You Feel Great Again!
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All the Best! & Have a Fabulous Today!