Key to Getting Pain Free
End Tennis Elbow!
Original TMBW Blog Post

Have you ever been psyched about your play at the net, the consistent spin you've had on your shots, AND your pending point advantage.
— only to now worry about the fact that your Tennis Elbow pain is back and is killing your game?
If you've been there and done that - Stop by!
We have solutions here at The Mind Body WhispererChristine Eckery, The Mind Body Whisperer
So What is Tennis Elbow?
Ultimately, Tennis elbow:
IS an overuse issue
IS the most common upper-extremity overuse problem
DOES NOT involve inflammation
DOES involve a collagen breakdown in the tendon fibers
DOES involve hypertonic muscle – Which means the involved muscles are super tight
CAN be caused by a shoulder capsule that’s out of alignment – often its the head of your arm bone that is rolled forward and turned inward – which in turn creates more stress on the forearm and wrist muscles – not to mention the shoulder muscles!!
USUALLY involves the muscles on the back of your forearm and wrist and more particularly, where their tendons attach onto your outer elbow
The Good News!
Time, reduced activity, and good therapy can help you bounce back from Tennis Elbow.
Did you Know…
Ice will help with pain management, but since Tennis Elbow is not an inflammation problem, there are limited therapeutic benefits.
Good Therapy involves improving the balance of the muscles in your tennis elbow symptoms including treatment to improve the overall strength and endurance along the entire fascial and kinetic chains, including muscles in your:
Elbow Regions
JOB #1 for Healing Tennis Elbow
Relief to the afflicted tendons by releasing the hypertonic muscles that are causing a continuous strain on your painful tendons
JOB #2 for Healing Tennis Elbow
Improve the strength of your Tennis Elbow muscles
Ice will help with pain management, but since Tennis Elbow is not an inflammation problem, there are limited therapeutic benefits.
Good Therapy involves improving the balance of the muscles in your tennis elbow symptoms including treatment to improve the overall strength and endurance along the entire fascial and kinetic chains, including muscles in your:
Elbow Regions
Relief to the afflicted tendons by releasing the hypertonic muscles that are causing a continuous strain on your painful tendons
Improve the strength of your Tennis Elbow muscles
Ready to Optimize Your Swing & Feel Great Again?
— Let’s Get Started!
Thanks for stopping by! – I look forward to meeting you and to
Helping You Feel Great Again!
Click Schedule Now here or above to schedule online or
Text or Call me at 302/593-9262 with any questions and your date and time preferences or
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All the Best! & Have a Fabulous Today!