Key to Getting Pain Free
End IT-Band Pain
Original TMBW Blog Post

—Have you ever been enjoying a win on the court only to have your IT Band scream with pain?
— And tell me that it's not even worse when your IT Band keeps on biting with each side shuffle step - ultimately, robbing you of both agility and power at the net?
—Or maybe - you're enjoying a cross-country run only to have your IT Band bite and force the collapse of your knee inward, killing your downhill run?
If you've been there and done that - Stop by! The Mind Body Whisperer has solutions!
Christine Eckery, The Mind Body Whisperer
First things first – Why on earth do you get IT Band Syndrome?
I mean, your IT Band is incredibly strong. Curiously, many moons ago I took a class with a Physical Therapist who offered the following…
“Your IT Band is so STRONG that you could get an IT Band, tie it around the bumper of a Volkswagen bug AND THEN throw the VW off a bridge and your IT Band would act like a bungee and never break.”
Of course, I’ve never seen the evidence – though it does drive home the point that the tinsel strength of your IT Band is incredible!!
Phenomenal, isn’t it ? I mean when it comes down to it, we have amazing internal strength and the body mechanics to support intense sports-related stresses.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves again, Importantly,
Why do we have an IT band?
The IT Band’s primary function is to enhance knee stability.
Think about it, whether you’re
Navigating cross country terrain, or
Stopping on a dime and immediately, cutting to advance the game down the court,
Our knees are subjected to amazing stresses – and understandably, we need we need Volkswagen-strong knee support via our IT Band.
The Problem: Our Movement Habits are often based on Poor Muscle Mechanics that create incredible challenges for knee stability and our IT band ability to provide an ideal support system.
So, what am I talking about??
The Trauma of Walking & Running with an Out-Turned Foot
Scenario: You both walk and run with an out-turned foot – instead of using the optimal neutral/straight foot stance
The Dilemna: If you’re walking with an out-turned foot, you’re no longer able to propel yourself forward with the bio-mechanically optimal full-width of your foot.
The Compromised Solution: Instead of connecting with your optimal foot mechanics, with an out-turned foot your arch has to collapse to create a platform so that you can launch forward. And critically, when your arch collapses, your knee will be pulled inward – which in turn, guarantees that your IT band will be strained!
The Real Life Situation: If you’re FitBit savvy, you’re taking 10,000 steps with those compromised…AND PAINFUL foot mechanics. So, with each out-turned foot step you’re actually straining your IT band by forcing it to support your collapsing knee and …
Guess What???!
In time, your IT Band complains – by creating pain – which in turn, can develop into advanced IT Band Syndrome.
—Tough on a Game! — Hard to Stay Competitive..
Ready to Stop IT Band Pain and Feel Great Again? — Let’s Get Started!
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All the Best! & Have a Fabulous Today!