Key to Getting Pain Free -
End Hip Pain
Original TMBW Blog Post

Have you Ever Run a marathon only to have your Hips Scream as you reached the half-marathon marker? OR
Have you ever played a decent 18 holes only to feel like you're hobbling off the course with hips that are locked up with Pain?
If you've been there and done that - Stop by! The Mind Body Whisperer has solutions!
Christine Eckery, The Mind Body Whisperer
So How did you Get There
- to the point that you're Riddled with Hip Pain?
One big problem – (Among several possibilities…)
Have you ever noticed that your shoes wear out mostly on the outside edge of your shoe?
If “Yes,” here are the issues that you are likely facing…
You’re likely balancing all of your weight on the outside edge of your feet, not the full width – and so ultimately, you’re pretty unstable.
Which means….
You’re balancing all of your weight on the outside edge of your feet, not the full width – and so ultimately,you’re pretty unstable.
Which means….
You’re only propelling forward from the unstable outer edge of your foot – not the more grounded full-width.
Which means….
You’re only getting an extra boost forward from your baby toes – not from the stronger position of all 5 of your toes.
Which means….
You’ve LOST the strength and stability of launching forward from the full width of your foot.
Which means….
Your Foot Strike is likely LOUD – Because walking on the edge of your feet means that your foot strike slaps the ground with each contact rather than rolling forward more silently and ultimately, more efficiently.
Which means….
You’ve Lost the bounce in your stride.
Which means….
The only way that your body can support your walking on the outside edge of your feet is to Lock your hips in place which means that your hips are Compromised
Which means….
There’s a 70% chance you’ll get to hip pain!
— The Good News is that working together, we can Find & Unwind any of these complicating habits and can help you rewire the way you walk, run, and/or play so that you have great hip mobility and no-more hip pain worries!
Ready to Stop Hip Pain &
Feel Great Again? — Let’s Get Started!
Thanks for stopping by! – I look forward to meeting you and to
Helping You Feel Great Again!
Click Schedule Now here or above to schedule online or
Text or Call me at 302/593-9262 with any questions and your date and time preferences or
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All the Best! & Have a Fabulous Today!