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Key to Optimizing Your Body
Original TMBW Blog Post
Brain science finds that you “Seal your Gains” when you add celebration – AKA emotions of joy, physical movement - i.e. full body dance moves, and congratulatory happy thoughts.
Christine Eckery, The Mind Body Whisperer Tweet
I’ve been taking an online class with Dr. Joe Dispenza – I first saw him in the movie, What the Bleep, and am excited that my brain classes with Dr. Baylin, here in Wilmington are getting started again. Taping into their ideas and my past studies, here’s a TMBW Mind Moment…
Level 1:
You Dream a Dream & Get Emotional About It!
You aspire to a new goal
You get excited – so much so that you make a decision that you’re going make it happen!
- Emotion is key, according to Mel Robbins, AKA
Level 2:
You Decide to Get Started – Today! – Make a decision that you’re going to complete a goal-based task today! Congrats!
With that decision, your brain activates forces within YOU to make good things happen for you.
And, with that decision, your body’s system also becomes activated and physically mobilizes a new action to complement your decision,
AKA – Watch out! Here you come!
AKA In response, your brain creates new neural circuits in your brain
AKA Your brain is taking your decision to the next level by potentiating a new neurons.
AKA Your brain has grown in it’s capacity to facilitate your goal decision!
AKA Your capacity to achieve your goal has increased!
AKA The probability of you achieving your goal is elevated.
AKA you have a new neural network in your brain to support your moving forward!
And, tying it all together, your thoughts represent your mind’s part in the goal-achieving process and your emotions represent your body’s part in the same process – Together becoming a joint mind-body process.
[Christine, The Mind Body Whisperer, as inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza]
"Every decision has an emotion associated with it."
Level 3: You focus on the outcome you want AND you get excited about it!
You Dream the Dream! Vision + Action + Emotion will make a difference in your ability to achieve your goal!
And as you get excited, your body releases serotonin – the feel good hormone – and dopamine – the mobility hormone that also creates a reward circuit to amp your internal motivation to make it happen.
Level 4: As you progress, take time to assess.
Each night, take a moment to consider how your day went.
- Assess how what happened today aligns with your dream’s goal for today
Consider the things that didn’t quite go right and what could have happened – AKA how an earlier decision or different action could have made a difference
THEN Run a visual of that new and improved scenario in your mind and consider how, if similar circumstances do arise, you can make a different decision and/or mobilize with a different action for a different and preferred outcome
Level 5: Get Emotional & Celebrate!
BJ Fogg suggest that you have to emotionally celebrate each step as you achieve tiny new habits in the process of making your personal aspirations happen! Click the following link to check out BJ on YouTube – https://youtu.be/AdKUJxjn-R8
Other research emphasizes that the more that you attach meaning and value to your goals, dreams, and progresses, the more actively your brain – both consciously and unconsciously – will work to make things happen
Level 6: Keep Stoking Your Dreams and Each Days Goal-Oriented Task!
As you learn new information and build the brain’s neural pathway to your dreams, Keep stoking your ideas, your passions, and your visions.
AKA If you don’t continuously nourish the new goal’s neural circuitry with goal-oriented and achieving-oriented emotions, your brain will assume that your goal is not that important after all and your brain will start to prune down that recently formed neural network.
– AKA your brain is always working to keep neural nets and attention primed and ready for the things that are important in your life!
If its not valuable to you as evidenced by your emotion, excitement, and the meaning you attribute to your dream, your brain will cut-back its efforts.
All the Best,

Christine, LMT & CPT
The Mind Body Whisperer
– Dedicated to Helping You Optimize for Your Favorite Sport and Pain-Free Living!
Learn More at:
Dr. Joe Dispenza – http://www.drjoedispenza.com/Mel Robbins – https://youtu.be/_o4inn_wq0E
James Clear – https://youtu.be/GECcjrYHH8w
BJ Fogg – https://youtu.be/AdKUJxjn-R8