Happy Saturday!!
You know, the older I get, the more interested I am in figuring out how to optimize my body for the years ahead – particularly, since “bad knees” run in my family.I can even watch how people walk and “get about” while shopping or waiting for a plane – sadly, there are plenty of examples of how crickety life can get, and how glitchy muscles and joints can become.
So not what I want in my life!
My age old pattern had been walking on the edge of my feet – rather than launching forward from the full-width of my foot.
That’s like running on a skate blade vs. launching from the solid surface of a push tug.
My old “Running on the edge of my foot in a skate-blade fashion” habit means that my muscle firing patterns got wonky! and my movements became more crickety than strong and smooth.
Here are the wonky patterns I’ve worked hard to change:
A big problem: The outside of my calves were over-developed compared to my inside calves – Which means I propelled forward with only 1/2 of my muscle resources and power! In addition:
- Re-setting that balance has definitely given me a strength boost!
- My outside hamstrings were also over-developed compared to my inside hams
- Which means I was further unbalanced – tending to ride on the outside edge of my foot
- That’s like running on that skate blade [above] with a more “duck-like” push-off which ends up so much weaker & less balanced!
- The muscles along the inside of my knees were over-developed compared to the outside
- Which means that I propelled forward from weaker muscles (intended for other movement jobs) rather than my center quad
- That’s like taking my center quad off-line Instead of letting it do its intended job – which totally depletes my endurance
- The muscles along the inside of my knees were over-developed compared to the outside
- With all the above going on, my body adapted by locking my leg into my hip capsule
- Which meant that “swing of my stride” became shorter
- AND the torque of my racket/club swing became truncated & weaker
- That means that the arc of my stride or my swing got shorter and stripped of its best power
- Range of Motion limitations
- Muscle Weaknesses
- Functional Muscle Team Imbalances
- Balance Muscle Tone
- Improve Muscle Firing Order
- Support muscle re-alignment shifts, and
- Provide a soft brace to assist a new, stronger firing order
- Cue your muscles to reset to the gains achieved through ortho/sports massage and compression tape treatments.
- Reinforce muscle system realignments
- Create balanced strengthening
- Reinforce new muscle firing orders