Key to Getting Pain Free
Survival First
Original TMBW Blog Post

Humanity has changed incredibly since the first primitive humans roamed the earth, but our brain’s instinct for survival is as strong as ever.
Just like our ancestors, we can use this instinct to rewire our brains.
When we improve our vision, balance and movement, magical things start to happen. Pain is eliminated, stamina grows and our inherent potential as human beings is increased.
It’s a solution that brought to us by modern science but steeped in biology as old as mankind itself.Alina Butunoi,
How Your Brain’s Quest for Safety & Security can “Ruin Your Goals”
Major stresses and even the trauma of, for example, an auto accident will change how your brain and body reacts to your world from that point going forward – until you unwind the instinct to Safety & Survival – First and Foremost.
Enjoy! and Let me know what you think.
Ready to Help Your Body Reset Beyond Survival and
Power Your Ability to Achieve Your Goals?– Let’s Get Started!
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Helping You Feel Great Again!
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All the Best! & Have a Fabulous Today!

Christine, The Mind Body Whisperer
– Dedicated to Helping You Get Optimized for Your Favorite Sport and Pain-Free Living!

"The good news is that neuro performance coaches have a detailed knowledge of how to rewire your brain to work more effectively with the receptors in your muscles and joints.
This is typically done by moving the skin in key areas to increase sensation in the underlying tissue, open joints and improve muscle strength.Alina Butunoi,